Saturday, February 20, 2010

3 Mains

So with this Gearscore add-on I have 3 characters over 5800 gearscore while some people are struggling to get their main to 5500 or some even to 5000. Which leads me to believe I stopped playing alts and actually am playing 3 main toons.

I just wish I brought up a healer so I can do everything in the game. I guess that will be my goal for when Cataclysm hits! Goblin Priest or something similar might be a good start.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Armory Model Viewer!

Is it not the best thing armory has ever done!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ironbounds HOOOO!!!!

We finally got our Ironbounds! It's about time! Now we just need to get Anub down before 3.3 hits and hopefully it doesn't hit next week...but most likely it will be. So we just have to work extra hard today to get it.

But now I have like 2 really cool mounts. One being the Ironbound Drake and the regular ground mount is the Swift Horde mount which is acquired from 10 man ToC chest.

I still think that the 25 man 3D Sartharion drake is still the best looking mount next to Frost Wyrms.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New raid lockout--3.3 nearing!

So it's that time again, new lockout--new attempts. We have a good handle on getting to Phase 3 on Anub but then it falls apart. Handling 4 adds is quite challenging, if any of them hit me in the back--I'm pretty much dead.

Now that 3.3 is nearing we're also going to try and get our last 2 achievements for the Ironbound Protodrake. Since they will probably be taking this away soon, plus we won't have time to raid Ulduar, Tourney and Icecrown all at once.

P.S. I got my Twin Valk ring on Monday....finally.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Lack of raids. To RAF or not to RAF? That is the question!

The holiday week we were unable to step into heroic ToC 10 and 25 man. It's such a wasted lockout period. Oh well I'm in high hopes for next weeks raid and hopefully we down Anub in 25 man already :S

On another note, I bought a $5 WoW on the weekend. I haven't figured out if I want to do a RAF or not, I'm not quite sure yet tho. With Cataclysm coming might be fun to level up characters in Azeroth again. Also I'm not sure if RAF will carry to Cataclysm...would leveling a Goblin or Worgen to 60 using RAF be a good idea? Any thoughts on this?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Start of a new blog! A WoW blog!

Hey readers and fellow WoW players. I'll be blogging here about my exploits in WoW; just because I have nothing else to do with my time at the moment. Still jobless and looking for one, I might as well do something to improve my skills in writing and such.

So, considering it's a holiday down in the U.S. there probably won't be too much on here at the moment. I have however been using the unit frames which has been featured in MMO Champion-- called Shadowed Unit Frames. It's actually quite a nice change since I've been using X-Perl for like...well 2 year or so now? It's not as bulky as X-Perl and it has almost the same functionality.

Agenda for today would be, well...not much really. Just going to probably try to get Tribute to Insanity 10 man again; since Whole won't be attending today, we probably won't try for Dedicated Insanity.

Stay tuned for more!